Due to the severe weather conditions and local school closures impacting our staffing levels, our services may be disrupted today. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and … [continue] Friday 24th January – Weather Issues
AAA Screening program
In England, screening for AAA is offered to men during the year they turn 65. Please be aware some patients we will soon receive (or may have already received) a letter from the QE Hospital Gateshead, inviting you to attend Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) screening. This is a one off, painless ultrasound scan that measures…
A plea from our staff
please continue to be kind, patient and courteous to all our staff. Our staff should be able to come to work and serve our community without fear or violence, abuse … [continue] A plea from our staff
NHS 111 mental health option 2
If you, or someone you know, is experiencing a mental health crisis, you can now call NHS 111 and select option 2 for urgent mental health support. NHS 111 is … [continue] NHS 111 mental health option 2
Update Monday 22nd July – System outage
Please be aware access to our IT systems has now been restored. Please be aware that we will not know how the IT systems will operate following the global outage … [continue] Update Monday 22nd July – System outage
System outage!! -Friday 19th July 2024
Due to an international IT system fault we are unable to access our IT systems. This includes appointment booking, blood results, referrals etc. We have no timescale for this fault … [continue] System outage!! -Friday 19th July 2024
Visit your local pharmacy first for seven minor conditions
From 31st January, patients can pop down to their local pharmacy for help with seven minor conditions which would previously have required a GP appointment. Almost all pharmacies will offer the new service, giving advice and, if needed, NHS medicines, to treat seven common health conditions – and all without needing to get a GP…